Windows 10 Mobile build 10134 screenshots
Windows 10 Mobile has been lagging behind Windows 10 on the desktop for a while now. Fewer preview builds have been released because the delivery process for phones is not as simple as the desktop release process. Now there are leaks of Windows 10 Mobile build 10134 that show a more refined UI but no surprising additions. Most changes revolve around UI tweaks and improvements such as the universal app store but performance cannot be judged with screenshots so many unknowns remain.
Microsoft has announced Windows 10 Mobile will release after Windows 10, which will be released to the public on July 29. Major problems on the mobile SKU involve stability and performance making the OS primarily only capable of light testing. These screenshots are from Windows Mania and illustrate how Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile will share UI and apps providing a consistent UI for users of both operating systems.
Some notable changes or more accurately non-changes involve the pill radio button looks as it does on the desktop, Microsoft Edge’s address bar remains at the top, menus continue to evolve, and the settings app seems to mirror the desktop app more and more. Below are some of the screenshots for you to see for yourself.
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